“Every worshipper is a friendly member, every member is a faithful leader, every leader is a fruitful discipler, every discipler is a flexible church planter” 

In BCIMSM, we create our OBJECTIVE step by step. 

  1. To become friendly member. We treat every visitors just like a tender plant that need to watered with love and spirit of hospitality.
  2. To become faithful leader. As a leader, we are an example in every attitude. We influence others through our faithfulness in worship and in giving.
  3. To become fruitful discipler. Our intimate relationship to God produces more fruit and much fruit.
  4. To become flexible church planter. The Church is not a building. It is refers to a certain person who believed and accepted Jesus whole heartedly and his/her body become temple of the Holy Spirit. So if that leader win one soul for Christ he/she established Gods Kingdom on that certain person.



“Faithful worshippers and fruitful followers of Jesus Christ” 

In BCIMSM, we desire our two greatest goal for every leader of the Church. 

  1. Faithful worshipper. Being faithful in our worship is just a reciprocal. God is our faithful God. He loves us so much, forgives our sins, and provides all our needs. To love God and keep his commandment is our desired goal.
  2. Fruitful follower. Following fruitfully is a clear evidence of our genuine relationship to God. We encourage each believer to bear fruit, more fruit, and much fruit as the branch of the vine.



  1. To encourage all BCIMSM members and church goers to get involved in discipleship.
  2. To become productive leader.
  3. To complete twelve (12) members by helping one another