Prayers for BCI Fathers

In celebration of the Father's Day, the church offered prayers to the church's heads of families, God-anointed fathers of their respective households. Leading the prayers were Bro. Martin, Sis. Nieves, and Pastor Eugene.


Use them to be good influence on the youth

Our Father in heaven, you have made yourself known to us through Jesus Christ and have invited us to pray to you as our Father, that we may pray boldly and confidently to you.

We pray for fathers. Give them wisdom. Give them patience. Give them the ability to love in a way that reflects your love.

We pray for children. Give them guidance. Give them a spirit of obedience.

We pray for wives. Give them a spirit of submission. Give them the ability to support and greater desire to love their husbands.

We pray for the next generation. Use our fathers to influence the youth. Raise more godly and mighty men who will stand for your Word.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

(Led by Bro. Martin)


Find them faithful always

Dear Lord,

We praise you for the lives of these Father of BCI Marikina and San Mateo. We continue to lift them up to you.

Bless the work of their hands Oh God. May their work bring not only financial rewards, but  fulfillment, sucess, and joy. Just as it is said in Romans 12:11 May they not be "lagging in diligence" but pervent in spirit, serving the Lord. We claim Proverbs 1:3 May they be like a tree planted by the river of water which beareth fruit in season. May they not wither under stress and pressure but in whatever they do they be strong and they will prosper.

Lead these fathers Oh Lord to be good stewards of the finances that you entrusted their families. May they prioritize to use it for your purpose.

Lord, I pray for healing sa mga tatay na may karamdaman. Restore their physical body the way you designed them. Remind the fathers your word in 1 Cor 3 :16 that their bodies are temple of God. May they take care of their body and present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to you.

May they always delight in your Word and encourage their children to delight in your Word also.

Take away their fear, give them the courage that comes from you.

Keep their testimony and uphold their integrity.

Find them faithful always. Give them obedience to your word and dependence to you and you alone.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

(Led by Sis. Nieves)


Empower them as partners in your ministry

We continue to acknowledge your divine presence loving Father  and we confess with humble spirit that we, as heads of the family, marami kaming failures and short comings, marami kaming ups and downs. But thank you so much for your grace that sustains us and for your mercy that provides us strength, and for your love that secures our home.

Thank you so much Oh God.

In your presence again, I am so grateful that you call these fathers as head of the family and not only that, but also as partner in the ministry, my partner in your vineyard.

Thank you for these fathers, Oh God, for how their lives and their love touch and influence their children to become faithful when it comes to serving you and worshipping you, and serving your kingdom. I trust that you will help them to become more consistent and committed to their tasks.

Father, we confess to you our fear regarding the future of our children. Hindi namin hawak ang kanilang kinabukasan, kayo na po. But it is our humble prayer na huwag niyo silang ilayo sa inyo. In your heart, with their worldliness, secure them sa mga bagay na ito. Help them to  continue to dedicate their hearts and their homes to you. We know our children and you know the hearts of these fathers---this is our cry, this our fear, this is our confession Oh Lord, regarding the future of our children. We entrust to your sovereign hands, we commit and we surrender to your gracious hands knowing that you are God who handle the future of your children.

Oh Lord, bless our children, bless our homes, bless our families.

Again, thank you for these fathers na nakatayo sa inyong harapan.

Continue to use them as partners in your ministry, use them as change agent, and transformer not just merely in our church but also in our community and in their homes.

Oh God, in your hand, we surrender to you every heart of these fathers right now.

In Jesus's name, we pray, Amen.

(Led by Pastor Eugene)